Ibycus USA
Ibycus USA is an attempt to build an alternative map base for Garmin
GPSrs. This project has *nothing* what so ever to do with Garmin, so
don't go asking them for support on these (you may however ask me).
The maps are built using a compiler written by a guy who reversed engineered the format from samples he saw, as such his interpretation of the files may not be perfect, and its perfectly possible that there are some things wrong with these files. That being said, many, many maps have been created with his compiler, and they all seem to be working OK. The data for these maps was sourced from the US Census Bureau's "TIGER" database (2007 First Edition). Currently there is no topographical information available for these maps, but I'm looking in to adding some. The detail is comparable (or in some cases greater than) the commercial Garmin maps By downloading and using these maps, you absolve me from all responsibility for any problems you have with them (I'll do my best to help you with any problems you have, but I make no promises). The latest version is version 2.0. Unfortunately, I am unable to make it available via direct download due to hosting restrictions. You can however get it through BitTorrent for instructions, see my YouTube videos. If you can't figure out the BitTorrent download, you can purchase a DVD from me for $25. More or less the whole country is included in this version, with the exception of a few counties. To use these maps, all you need to do is download them, and run the installer. They will then appear in Mapsource just like any of the commercial Garmin Maps (You can select them from the dropdown list in the top left hand corner). If you don't have any mapsource products installed (including Trip and Waypoint Manager), you can download a copy from Garmin's website (you just need to first download and install Garmin Training Center first in order to get it to install). If you'd like to support my efforts, you can make a donation by clicking on the link below. You are in no way obligated to do so, but it is very much appreciated (I'm a student, so every little bit helps). ![]() Dale
Atkin |